Our Staff

Patrick Bruns
Grant Writing
I'm Patrick (Mr. Pat) Bruns. a paraprofessional here at Prospect Academy. I retired after 40 years as a progressive pastor who values diversity and inclusiveness and who believes all people are precious. After retirement I began working with children who are neurodiverse, first with children with intensive emotional needs, and then with children on the autism spectrum.
It is both a joy and privilege to be part of Prospect Academy. Prospect's commitment to welcome children just as they are, and to then work with them to nurture emotional, intellectual, and social growth, is exactly what our world needs. I am inspired by our dedicated leadership and staff. It was been wonderful to have the opportunity to get to know our kids and a delight to be a positive presence in their lives.
I love to learn and have a doctorate in Religion & Personality. I like to say that my focus was to demonstrate that people can be religious and still have a personality but actually, I focused on the inter-relationship of psychology and spirituality. I'm also a retired clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. I enjoy walking my dog, hiking, reading, the arts, baseball, and getting to know people.

Aspen Hernandez
Business Administrator
I have spent most of my life in Denver, CO. I moved here when I was11 years old. I spent majority of my time in Lakewood, where I graduated from Lakewood High School. I am excited for a new beginning at Prospect Academy.
I look forward to assisting all of our famlies throughout the 23-24 school year. The unique needs of the students at Prospect help me grow as a learner.